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How can we help you grow today?

Learn the secrets to getting it all done!

Rick's e-book gives you tips and tricks on how to get everything done each and every day.  As the CEO of more than 20 companies Rick has a busy schedule, but still manages to get everything done each and every day.  Apply the same tips to your daily routine to become a productive and efficient member of your team.

Why this book?

Every office manager or dentist wants to be productive.
It feels good to look at something tangible and
say, “I created this. I made this. I did this.”
To get things done. To check things off a list. To make a
serious dent in your checklist. Productivity looks different to different people, but the feeling is universal.

Grab The Book Now!

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Accomplish more

Run your day without letting your day run you!

Win against distraction

Are you busy or productive?  There is a HUGE difference.

© The Dental Practice Mechanics 2021

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