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How can we help you grow today?

Resources & Forms

Marketing ROI Tracking

Track your marketing investments to identify what is working and what is not. Use this simple spreadsheet to track results for all of your marketing channels.

Profit and Loss Statement

Track the main expense categories and income.  Includes suggested guidelines for expense percentages for employee expenses, facilities, and more in one convenient place.

Net Patient Calculator

Getting new patients is wonderful, but are you keeping the ones you have?  Many offices think they are doing great when they get 30 new patients a month, but what if you're losing 50?

Unclaimed Funds Laws by State

Reporting uncashed checks and credits on patient accounts is a requirement in all fifty states. Return to be filed and funds must be turned over the state annually.

Hourly Expense Breakdown

Setting your hourly production goals should be based on your hourly expenses.  Use this form to calculate those expenses.  Can be linked to our Profit & Loss form.

Notice of Privacy Practices

Have you updated your NPP since the new requirements in 2013?  Many offices haven't.  Use this sample as a template to customize for your office and choose your specific policies.

Discount Plan Laws by State

Some states allow in house discount plans, some don't. Some states allow a patient to have a discount plan and an insurance plan, some don't. Find your states laws here!

Patient Termination Letters

Samples of our Patient Termination letters for a variety of reasons.  Should be used when an office wants to terminate the relationship with a patient for any reason.

Insurance Recoupment Laws

Some states have time limits and other requirements for an insurer to retroactively cancel a policy and/or request a refund from a provider for an over payment. 

Admin Team Review Form

Doing regular performance evaluations is a vital part of managing your office.  Use this customizable form for your admin team reviews.

Hygiene Team Review Form

Doing regular performance evaluations is a vital part of managing your office.  Use this customizable form for your admin team reviews.

Dental Assistant Review Form

Doing regular performance evaluations is a vital part of managing your office.  Use this customizable form for your admin team reviews.

2023 CDT Code Changes

The complete list of CDT Code changes for 2023 including additions, deletions and revisions.

The Productive Dental Team

Download Rick's e-Book on getting things done and how to stay productive each and every day.

Informed Consent SAMPLE

Sample informed consent form.  Contact your malpractice carrier for their versions and approval.

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